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Helping You to Heal Yourself

Reiki, Access Consciousness Bars & Energetic Facelift, Theta Healing Energetic Clearings, Meditation Grps, Shamanic Drum & Chant Circles

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Call 07592 013915 or email:
Meet Amelia
Me at 60..jpg

Meet Sally 

Alternative Holistic Therapist

I have had years of learning and using a variety of techniques to help heal myself & my family. I am passionate about using these skills to help you. 

 I have extremely effective techniques of removing any dense, heavy, negative or detrimental energies, in and around you and your surroundings; including pets, homes & businesses. 
All my treatments help you to clear trauma, help ease anxiety, stress and pain, ultimately leading to healing and well-being. 


I offer a wide range of therapies including:

Usui Holy Fire Karuna & Angelic Reiki, Treatments & Courses

Access Consciousness Bars

Access Consciousness Energetic Face-Lift

Energetic Clearings & Workshops 

ThetaHealing - Soul Fragment Retrieval & Energetic Divorcing

Mindfulness & Meditation Groups

Shamanic Drum & Chant Circles with Healing & Meditation

I am a practitioner/member of The Thanet Peoples' Health Alliance

"For the People, by the People."


Reiki Energy Healing

Master in Usui, Angelic, Usui Holy Fire III(R) & Holy Fire(R) Karuna Reiki.

Angelic Reiki Is a most beautiful but powerfully high healing vibration, where the Angels are called in to oversee and provide the

healing channelled. Angelic compliments all medicinal treatments and can be an incredible source of inner strength when we are processing

‘dis-ease’ and receiving medical care as well as during lifes’ challenges.  Angelic Reiki is pure unconditional love which harmonises body,

mind & spirit.  It reconnects you to your inner and higher-self, helps remove blocks which hinder ones’ own personal growth on any

level, whether physically, emotionally or spiritually. 

Usui Holy Fire III Reiki & Holy Fire Karuna Reiki are both beautiful energies also.  If you want to learn how to connect to any of these beautiful

Reiki energies yourself & your loved ones. Course can be arranged.  Holy Fire I & Holy Fire II are completed is just a day, whilst the Holy

Fire Masters, and Angelic Reiki 1&2 are both a 3 day course.  Lots of healing received on all levels. 

Distant Reiki treatments are just as strong as if in person, as energy is Universal and knows no bounds.


Reiki in-person treatment £40 

Distant Reiki £30 to include feedback -  NHS 10% Discount

Call 07592 013915 or email












Access Consciousness

Access Consciousness(R)

Access Consciousness(R) Access is a set of tools & processes that are designed to facilitate more consciousness for everyone. Consciousness includes everything without judgement.  It is the willingness & capacity to be totally aware, totally present in all areas of ones life.  Consciousness is the ability to continually awaken to more possibility, more choice & more life.

Access Bars(R) The Bars describe a bar of energy running between the practitioner’s fingers through the brain therefore, unblocking & releasing all that is no longer serving them, works like a ‘de-frag’ bringing in clarity & focus, clearing limiting beliefs.  An amazing treatment that involves gently touching 32 points on the head.  When touched these points help heal from the past and create greater possibilities for the future. Bars aid

Relaxation, Burnout Healing & Prevention, Stress Relief, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), Anxiety, Depression. Do you react to the smallest of things? Or maybe cannot quieten off your mind no matter what you try? What if there was a way to reduce the all the above.  Access Bars is practiced in more than 100 countries.  There is no right or wrong way to receive this treatment.  Every session is different.

The best way to find out what it can do for you is to try it.   

  Access Facelift(R) The Energetic Facelift is a treatment that soothes the mind, rejuvenates the face & relaxes the body.  The energies work both in the body and face.  Hands are placed on upper chest and face.  The gentle soothing touch applied works with body cells to restore, enliven and rejuvenate.  It gives the body a chance to move and transform a lot of the limited energies & judgements that get locked into the face, head, neck, chest & body.  A dynamic yet gentle hands-on body process, the facelift can deepen & quicken the body’s natural healing capacities. 

If any of the Access treatments mentioned above are inviting your curiosity, give it a try. You will not regret it!








Call me on: 07592 013915 or email


£45  -  NHS 10% Discount

Theta Healing

Theta Healing(R)

Theta is a meditation technique & spiritual philosophy – not specific to any one religion, but accepting them all – with the purpose of getting closer to the Creator.  It is a training method for your mind, body and spirit that allows you to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do.  Through meditation and prayer the Theta technique creates a more positive lifestyle.  This technique is always taught to be used alongside conventional medicine.  It teaches how to use your own natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of the Creator, to do the ‘actual work’.  ThetaHealing believe that by changing your brain wave cycle to include the “Theta” state, you can actually watch, feel, or sense the Creator, create instantaneous physical and emotional wellbeing.  ThetaHealing’s philosophy is to live, train and coach others how to achieve a better life through the pure essence of love.  This technique allows us to work with the Creator to help attain harmony in our mind, body and spirit.  Best known for the 7 Planes of Existence.  Using this concept the practitioner uses the meditation method to connect with a higher spiritual power of her/his own belief and commands a change as requested by the client.  Working with clients I install new & positive beliefs and remove the negative ones. These can be buried deep within the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind holds memories from every past life we have had, good & bad. Hence ThetaHealing was given by Creator, so we can make a start to clear and in doing so start on a deep self-healing journey.   I energetically cut cords, oaths, vows, commitments made, returning Soul fragments to the relevant people or pets - excellent when dealing with past relationships or experiences.

Clearing of free-floating memories – a must after any trauma or surgery. 

Mending broken Souls, from cracks or holes – a must at least once.


Contact 07592 013915 or email 


£45  - NHS 10% Discount


Energetic Clearings & House Healing

Energetic Clearings & Workshops

Everything is energy.  I have always been a very sensitive person. So I wish I had known this many years ago. Good energy is light & lovely, whilst other energies are more dense & heavy. These heavier energies can be negative & not conducive to ones well-being. They make you feel low, depressed, even physical symptoms start to develop if these energies are not removed.  I clear negative entities, shock & trauma, EMF's & radiation, toxins, chemicals, negative thought forms, sent lost souls home and I regularly need to disconnect from others. I had spent 25 years on anti-depressants, before realising most of the negative thoughts & feelings I had been experiencing, was me picking up on others emotions. I can clear you remotely & provide feedback afterwards with my findings. I have helped people around the world to feel calmer, lighter & free from heavy energies that were pulling them down. I also teach others to do the basics & use clearing statements on themselves & in their lives. A must if you are an empath!

Contact me on 07592 013915 or

£45pp / upwards depending on family & home etc. 


Energetic Clearings Workshops

Workshops To Clear Yourself , Your Loved ones and Homes

Saturday 4th Oct 2pm to 4.30pm   £60 call to book



Mindful Meditation

Mindful Meditation with Energetic Clearings

I have experience of running mindfulness and meditation groups over many years, which include facilitating NHS staff on mindfulness.  I have also experience of Transcendental, Guided, Mindfulness Self-Compassion, attended silent day retreats and run several silent retreats in my fabulous garden.  Past & present students, have each seen a huge shift in their personal well-being, from being stressed and unable to cope, to being much centred and calmer, to breathe fully and able to handle what challenges life gives them. I recently helped a 16 yr old get through the GCSEs. I currently run a Thursday evening meditation group.  Clearings the first half and either a guided meditation or a Holy Fire Reiki Healing Experience meditation for the 2nd.  

Please contact me if you would like to come along.  Meditation is usually upstairs in my healing room.

Thursday Evenings 7pm to 8pm £10











Numbers are limited. If you would like to book a one to one session that can be accommodated.

Please contact 07592 013915 or email


TESTIMONIALS more on Google page

"Thank you Sally for such an amazing workshop, for Energetic Clearings, with three other beautiful souls.
This is the first workshop that I have done with Sally, although I have had many treatments with her, from the moment you step into her front door, you feel held and protected in a wonderful healing space. I cannot recommend Sally enough, I am so excited to implement energetic clearings into my daily routine" 
- Ashley


"I reached out for a Reiki session with Sally after finding myself feeling blocked and unable to receive or send out any energy, positive or negative. I felt so welcomed as i arrived at Sally's, the room was perfect, warm, inviting and calm and her presence was so calming and kind. I was unsure of what to expect as this was my first time and believed i would just arrive and go straight into it but Sally took the time to gently explore the reasons I was there, what I was looking to achieve from the session and I felt immediately able to confide in her and talk openly, which is something I really struggle with. Sally was so kind, patient and reassuring and she really took the time to comfort me and give me advice, which I didn't feel was forced or unnatural. She explained her history and experience and i felt excited for the session. During the session, she was quiet, peaceful and really communicated what she was going to do or currently doing and i felt comfortable and relaxed the entire time. She encouraged me to focus on thoughts i wanted to expel and coached me into breathing them in and out using diaphragmatic breathing. My Reiki session was an unbelievably amazing and spiritual experience and something I enjoyed and found comfort in. I left feeling like a weight had been lifted and as if i was feeling lighter emotionally and psychologically. I will be visiting again in the future. Thank you so much Sally, for your kindness, peace, wisdom and calm."  Natalie



I have visited Sally for a number of therapies, including Angelic Reiki, Theta Healing, energy healing and Access Bars.
Today I had Access Bars. Sally is always very welcoming and warm, her therapy room is spacious and inviting. Sally takes the time to explain the treatment you are having and what to expect during the session. She ensures that you feel safe and relaxed. I always come away feeling lighter rejuvenated and happy.
I would recommend Sally to anyone who is looking for lovely effective treatments from an experienced and caring practitioner.
- Lyn


Healing Yourself with Sally's assistance starts now

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Contact Info



07592 013915


Goodwin Road, Ramsgate, CT11 0LP

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